How To Secure My Facebook Account | Facebook Tips and Tricks

Ways to Prevent Your Facebook Account From Getting Hacked

There are many ways to prevent access to your account by the next person to use the device, the easiest of which is to log out. However if your smartphone or device gets stolen, it’s a whole different matter. In this article, we will go through some important options you can take to prevent others from accessing your personal Facebook account.

1. Sign Out After Use

If you don’t log out of your account hacking your page is simple.
Don’t forget to log out if there is potential for someone else to use the same computer as you.

2. Enable Secure Browsing

Among other things, to make sure your browsing activity within Facebook is safe, you can turn on the Secure browsing option. By doing this, you automatically limit all external applications that are integrated with Facebook from doing any harm or taking your personal information without your knowledge or approval.

==> Go to your Security Settings
==> Click on the Secure Browsing section
==> Check the box provided and save your changes

3. Create Strong Password

By creating a random password you increase your security by decreasing the chances that a person or a software program will crack your password.

The most unguessable password would be a string of random characters like ‘$t6fktyu@mn,@L\M”A% and the longer the password is the better.

Sure, a computer could eventually discover such a password using a brute force attack, but it gets more difficult the longer you make your password.

For example, to crack the above password, if a billion passwords per second, it would take 10,533,833,066,248,927,000 years to look at all the possible combinations.

For a password that is 9 characters long it would take about 26 months to crack.

4. Enable Login Notifications

Login notifications are an extra security feature. When you turn on login notifications, we’ll send you an alert each time someone logs into your account from a new place.

==> Go to your Security Settings
==> Click on the Login Notifications section
==> Check the box next to the type of alerts you’d like to receive and save your changes

5. Avoid Spam Links

Facebook is serious about spam and is always enhancing its features to make sure you are safe from being a victim to scams. The types of attacks include money scams through direct or indirect requests via Facebook messages, chat etc, phishing links that will redirect you to fake websites, malicious links that could retrieve your personal information or even harm your computer. There are also chances you may receive emails from ‘Facebook’ but it is actually from a phishing website, this modus operandi is part of a scam.

There are many ways you can avoid being a victim:

  • Never click on suspicious links whenever or wherever you find it, even if it came from your friends. If you receive a link, always take the extra step of asking your friend what the link is to confirm that they had sent it. Usually these links are ‘sent’ without the sender’s knowledge. This includes all links that appear in your Facebook Chat, Messages, friend’s status post or even from your email.
  • Never give out your username or password to anyone, including websites with suspicious links and layouts. Giving your passwords freely could jeopardize the security of your personal information on Facebook.
  • Log in only at and not from any other link or website, unless you are accessing via Facebook App.
  • Update your browser to its latest version to ensure your browser’s security is up to date so it would detect and alert you with a warning when you are navigating to a suspected phishing site.

6. Enable Cell Phone Login Approvals

Login approvals is an extended security feature offered by Facebook, and it will require you to enter a security code each time you try to access your Facebook account from unrecognized devices.

To turn on login approvals:

==> Go to your Security Settings
==> Click on the Login Approvals section
==> Check the box and save your changes

7. Confirm your mobile number

Confirming your mobile number is one of many ways to enhance your account security on Facebook. This way, even when you lose or forget your password, Facebook will be able to send you a new one via SMS.

To add your mobile number, go to Account Settings > Mobile and click on Add a Phone.

8. Don’t Use a Predictable Password

Below are the top 15 most used passwords.  Don’t use any of them, or any other password that could be easily guessed.


9. Do Not Share or Save Your Facebook Password

Do not share your password with anyone, or save it in a document on your computer. The best way to go is by memorizing a password that only you know.

10. Always Check the URL When You Are Logging In

Phishing scams are often executed with a fake login page that appears identical to the actual Facebook login page. A clear indication of a fake login page is found within the URL of the page.

Although hackers can create visually exact looking copies of the Facebook login page they are unable to use the same URL.

How To Secure My Facebook Account | Facebook Tips and Tricks How To Secure My Facebook Account | Facebook Tips and Tricks Reviewed by Unknown on 07:44 Rating: 5

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