How to Avoid Getting Your Account Suspended on Twitter

I have always wanted to talk about this. I should have done this post earlier because a lot of people have already suffered the consequences.

Whatever I am going to write today is totally based on my experiences. First of all, you all should know that twitter is not just a silly platform where you update your status and spam others; it is much more than that. Twitter is constantly improving their services and I am sure you can see the changes.

Below we have listed 3 guidelines to help prevent your Twitter account from getting suspended by Twitter.  Please note that these guidelines apply regardless of whether you are using ManageFlitter to manage your Twitter account.

  • We recommend that you follow less than 100 people per day, particularly when you have less than 2 000 followers and / or your Twitter account is a new account.
  • Larger (and older) accounts often find that they can follow more people without a problem, however Twitter has a hard limit of 1 000 follows per day. Once you follow 1 000 people in a day, no matter how large your account is, additional follows in the same 24 hours period will be rejected by Twitter. 
  • There is no limit on unfollowing, Twitter does not ban people for performing large number of unfollows in a day. The only caveat to that is that we recommend you do not unfollow then refollow the same people repeatedly as Twitter considers this to be aggressive activity and may result in your account being banned.

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How to Avoid Getting Your Account Suspended on Twitter How to Avoid Getting Your Account Suspended on Twitter Reviewed by Unknown on 23:54 Rating: 5

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